Hey, I just wanted to write a quick note to tell you that you’re doing a great job. 2020 has been an incredibly hard year so far, and it’s probably going to get more chaotic and confusing before it gets better. So many of us are scared and angry. It’s OK to feel those things. It’s OK to feel.
Before I started my private practice, I answered phone calls for the Suicide Prevention Lifeline and other crisis lines. They gave me a coffee mug that said “You can’t pour from an empty cup”. In order to be with people on the phone and share their fear and anger and sadness, I learned to repeatedly fill myself up with love and compassion and nurturing. You need to fill yourself up too, in order to get through these difficult times. You deserve it. Slow down, sit with your feelings, and nourish your Self. You are doing great. If you feel like you need a little extra support, please reach out to me, or someone else you can feel safe with.